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what is missing in your life?



 All my classes are different and depending on what are you missing in life its where our journey together will begin.  Balance! its what we are looking for ;)


Morning classes will generally be more energetic, yin yang yoga & vinyasa flow, while if your session is offered in the afternoon/evening practice will draw on gentle, yin & yin styles.


Aromatherapy can be offered to deepen relaxation (optional) we will be working on myofascial release and personalization of your class. At the end of 3 sessions  you will have a sequence that you can take home and practice on your own when you feel more comfortable.


Breathing & energetic techniques, will be included, as well as  the chakra system (energetic centres)   & Ayurvedic cleansing techniques can be instructed as well (optional).



Private Class 90 min(individual) $85 


$225 for 3 private 60 min (individual) classes. At the end of 3 sessions  you will have a sequence that you can take home.


Private Group Class  90 min (Max 6ppl) $105.00  (if more than 6 ppl it will be $10 per extra person)


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yoga sessions

Yoga can be intimidating, yes for every single person starting this journey.  I was there when I was 17 and joined my very first HATHA yoga practice, that included a shower in between physical practice (asana) and relaxation, I had no clue of what I was doing, but now I remember this experience and I smile, at how curious and ready to begin my path I was. 


Our private yoga sessions are a  full hour, we will modify your practice, depending on your needs and energy level. Every day we change and our yoga will be changing too. What we will do in this private sessions is to explore your body, and connect in a deeper level, little by little your "yoga" will start flowing more and more naturally.

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